Wednesday 8 October 2014

Stop! Pause! & look at the light shine:)

Its 12.30 hours.. I'm still thinking on my bed. Watching the rain drops fall and the sound of the sweet thunder above my head. As the rain subsides the birds come out and fly, once again, their sweet chirps is all I hear. 

Well now, that was a sudden shower! But after it passed, the birds came out once again, to sing their sweet song. The sudden shower didn't stop them croon high above to the sky..

Do they even worry otherwise? About food & shelter & how they’ll fly? They take one moment at a time..

And if we belong to the most high, why do we always sigh? People, money, love lost, life and all the things otherwise! It’s never the end of the world; if one door closes we have ten others open, just look on the other side.

There’s so much to be thankful for, every single day of our lives. Even with all our differences, there is one God we all are connected, one energy and one life.

And at some point, each of us can find each other’s light!


  1. U know that "one God" you've mentioned, has a name?

  2. In Lord's prayer, Jesus said, "Our Father in the heavens, Let you name be sanctified..." Jesus himself was praying to Father. If you have King's James version bible, look up to Psalm 83:18 you'll get your answer
